Monday, October 20, 2008

Which should I protect? Rome or Caesar?

If I were Brutus, and had to decide peace of Rome or Caesar, I would kill Caesar and protect the peace of Rome. Because the people like Cassius, and Casca aren't satisfied with Caesar's way of governing Rome, Rome wouldn't be peaceful anyway, because they might going to start a war. As it says in FYI Act One "Lean and Hungry Cassius," Cassius hates Caesar, and soon they might start a war in Rome, which wouldn't make Rome a peaceful place. So as a best friend of Caesar, Brutus have to kill him to make Rome a peaceful.
Also in FYI Act One, Caesar have a sickness. He isn't healthy, so somebody should become a new leader of Rome, because if Caesar kept leading Rome, he might not able to give best decision when some emergency happens.
From these reasons, I think Brutus should kill Caesar, and make Rome a peaceful place.

Monday, October 13, 2008

WHO is the leader????

To be a good leader, I think he/she needs 2 things. One is leadership (of course) . Leadership is important because leader have to lead people. Leaders have to be responsible for all the people who follows you, because if they cause some problems, leaders have to solve them. Second is trust/kindness. If leader were kind to all the people who follows you, and trust them, they will automatically follows you, and also admire you. So if the leaders were trusted, they will trust you too!!
In middle school, I think there isn't such a student who are really a leader. There isn't a big group that does something, and everyone treats every other people equally and nice.
But in humanities class during socratic seminar, some people in class, takes leaderships to make the conversation continue. They gives us new questions, or feedbacks to make the conversation more fun, and continueous. Those people are Aysha, Nikaya, Michaela, Scott, and Garrett. They always start with their opinion, or thoughts in socratic seminar, which helps us very much...

Imperialism Divides Africa

During the time when imperialism was happening, many countries took over another countries for motivations. Motivations represents 3G, and it stands for Gold, Glory, and Gods. One of the invasion that was happening were European countries' domination of Africa. In Africa, there was so much of natural resources and raw materials that every other countries wanted. For example, there was a plenty of gold, which every other European countries wanted. There were racism going on when European people took over African land, because Europeans thought they were smarter, wealthier, and cleaner than Africans. Also Christian missionaries in European Countries supported imperialism, and spent money for that. But mostly, European countries, especially Britain had a lot of technology that was developed during Industrial Revolution, which caused advantage to them.
These were the reasons why Europeans got the interest to Africa, and how they started to take over African lands. As a result of this, many people started to live in Africa. (Thats why French are used in Africa

Monday, October 6, 2008

End of Quarter 1 Feddback

Quarter 1, I set some few goals. One is "speak up." This quarter I think I didn't accomplish this goal. Actually my socratic seminar grades went down compared to the first socratic seminar grade, and end of the quarter grade. When I look at the total grade for speaking, it says "C" which is the worst of all. And I think speaking is the weakest part of my English, and I need to work on for the next quarter. But it is impossible to start speaking up like everyone on the class. So I will try to speak up more from my ESL class, and start speaking in humanities slowly. It might take to the end of the 3rd quarter to accomplish this goal. But at least I will try.
Second goal was to read. I think I did pretty well on this. I read about 10 minutes every night, and I think i improved a little. To improve more, I will try to read 20 minutes every night, and continue remembering vocabulary.