Sunday, September 21, 2008

Political Cartoon Analysis of Capitalism

This big man in the middle, he has a tag that says "Capitalism." The small thin man, who is grabbed by the big man, has a tag that says "labor." From him, some moneys are falling to the bag that says "Profits from Child Labor." I think this cartoon is talking about how capitalism made the labors work so hard that made them very thin, and small. They have very small amount of money to live, eat, and maybe nourishing their child/children. But the big man, which I think it's manager, is making the labors work so hard, and taking their small amount of money. And I think this author wanted to tell that workers worked very hard during this period, even though, management gave just a small amount of money. Also how capitalism worked, because you need to work, to get money. From the words under the cartoon, made me feel this way. I think author could use bigger letter, because the letter in this cartoon are hard to read, and some people may not understand this wonderful cartoon, if it wasn't readable.

Image from

Monday, September 8, 2008

Going Back To My Goal ~Am I doing OK?~

In the begging of the year, I set some goals about humanities. One was “Speak up in Socratic Seminar,” and another one was “Be able to read the book faster.” I think I accomplished ¼ of this. First of all, I don’t think I am not still speaking up so much. When I need to answer, I do, but I don’t speak up from myself. So I will try to speak up more, next half quarter. To the second goal, I think I accomplished half of them. Every night, I am reading about 20 minutes of book, so I think, I’m definitely getting faster at reading. So I’m happy with that, but I still have some place that I don’t understand. To understand I think I need to learn more vocabulary. So next half quarter, I will participate in remembering more vocabulary. So…from today, I will study, and remember 5 new vocabulary words every day. I think that will help me improve..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stock Market Game ~Fearful Gamble, 50% chance~

Tip that worked, that made me success, in the stock market game, was “Buy Low…Sell High.” In this game I actually missed at getting money first, but I succeeded at last part of the game. But what did I do to success? Well, Mr. Coyle’s tip helped me. In the first year, I didn’t know that 10 dollars for 1 stock is expensive or cheap. So in the first year, (1871) I didn’t buy anything. Then in the next year, some got to 20 dollars and some got to 7 dollars. I thought “Oooh. 10dollars to 20 dollars is a big jump. This company is growing…” so I bought 4of 20 dollars stocks with my whole money. But in the next year, suddenly 20 went down to 17, and 7 got up to 10. Then I noticed. Expensive stocks doesn’t mean it is growing (it might do…) and it will success for ever. I should’ve bought a 7 dollar stock, rather than 20 dollars stock. So I just listen to Mr. Coyle’s tip, and do as it said. I bought some low price stocks that look like it’s going to success in business. (By looking at the news.) Then what do you think it happened to my total money at the last year. It had changed from -80 dollars to +200 dollars. Mr. Coyle’s tip made me success, but I think I was very lucky too. I learned how buying stocks can make people happy, but also very sad. I will never buy stocks when I grow up. It is scary!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Feed Back August 25-29

Image that shows my feeling and
thinking to Industrial Revolution.Pros and Cons of Industrial Revolution:

Pros: 1. Many things were invented (mule, steam engine …)

2. Many works got easier to do from inventions. (textile production, trades…)

3. Economic systems were built. (Free Market, Invisible hand…)

4. Countries got wealthier from trading the products.

5. Labors had fewer jobs in some factories.

Cons: 1. Some people (Luddites) refused these new technology, and caused some problems.

2. People began to use the machines, which is good, but also dangerous.

3. More pollution.

4. Labors got more works to do in some factories.

By looking at this, I think Industrial Revolution was good, because many things were invented, and without these invention, I think we can’t live now days. But I wish we can reduce the pollutions.