Sunday, March 22, 2009


Technology is something that works with electricity, that makes your life/work easier. For example, computer is a type of technology, that makes your work easier when you type, compared to type writer. Another type of technology, is electronic used for entertainment, such as iPod. The 5 most technologies mostly used today are computer, transportation vehicles, (car, airplane, train.) electricity, refrigerator, and iPod.
All of them, (except for the last one) is necessary for our life. However, I chose iPod for the important technology, because without it, I think I couldn't live in India right now. Its a stress reducer! That's why I chose these 5, that are necessary for life. Conversely, I think there are technologies that aren't useful enough. Those are; TV, CD player, Radio, Vacuums, and Batteries. These five are the five that I never use, and the ones that I think it's useless.

In AES, we use a lot of technologies. Laptop for education, microwaves in cafeteria, hot shower, in PE change room, digital camera, for certain project, microscope for....etc. It sounds like we use too much, but I think it is a right amount to educate middle school student. Without these things, we wouldn't learn as well as we do now. So I think we should continue using this much, or more technologies, in order ot educate well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Karl Vonnegut's Quote -Vonnegut and Technology

“Do you know what a Luddite is? That’s a person who doesn’t like newfangled contraptions. Contraptions like nuclear submarines armed with Poseidon missiles that have H-bombs in their warheads, and like computers that cheat you out of becoming. Bill Gates says, “Wait till you can see what your computer can become.” But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer.”

This is a famous quote from Karl Vonnegut, a famous writer for the book Welcome to the Monkey House. He is a typical Luddite, and he writes about technology sarcastically on his book. For example, in his short story “Euphio Question,” he showed how technology leads to disaster, and cause many problem.

I actually agree with his word. Each person should grow and not depend on technology “too much.” However, I think some technology is needed to grow, and become. But not as much as Bill Gates says, “Wait till computer can become.” Nowadays, we couldn’t live without technology, because we are depending on it too much. If we don’t use excess amount of technology, I think it is OK, for becoming…

What you can become is the miracle you were born to work. That’s exactly correct.

Monday, March 16, 2009

End of Quarter 3 Feedback

Third quarter has finally ended. In the begging of 3rd quarter, I've made 3 goals that I want to achieve. Those goals were....
# Try speaking up during the CLASS
# Remember 100 vocabs in 3rd quarter
# Read 3 books for AR.

First of all, I didn't improve my speaking that much. My Socratic Seminar Grade was terrible, because I only spoke once. Also I don't think I participated a lot in class conversation, such as discussing about issue. In addition, there wasn't a lot of group work, like I had in 2nd quartet, (PowerPoint etc) so there was less chance to speak. However, I think I had more time speaking outside the class, compared to 1st Semester. Since Population project started, I needed help from others, and maybe the others did as well. So the conversation rate increased as the project began to become serious.

For the vocabulary, I didn't work as hard to memorize vocabularies, but I think I have more vocabularies compared to the past, because I learned a lot in "War" unit. For example, at the beginning of this quarter, I didn't even know what conflict means. But I do now. I changed a bit.

For Reading. I think I had the most improvement on this one. I read 3 books!! Also, I got 100% on 2 of those book, and 90% in one of them. Last Quarter, I only read one easy book, and I only got 90%. So I only got "C" for the final grade for reading, but this quarter, I got "A+." Therefore I think I had a great improvement.

Next Quarters Goal Will be....
+ Keep on Reading,even though there isn't AR this quarter.
+ To make your writing fluent, Read over!
+ Speak up more. Began from 2 minute tune up.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


An oxymoron is two words that don’t belong being used together.For example, "Holy War" is an oxymoron. Holy means state of being sacred, and War is a weapon used struggle between 2 or more groups. The word Holy and War means exactly different, because sacred thing/place is peaceful, and war is something that is bloody. Therefore "holy war is an oxymoron." By the way why is it that so many conflicts in the world today are based upon religious differences yet all major world religions condemn killing? I think that is because most of those religious people thinks, "God thinks they should be killed, so we have to punish them," or "I hear the God talking...He says we should kill them." And the war starts. The main causes of these kind of conflict, is a people who strongly believes in certain religoin, such as the muslims who bobmed Taj Hotel in Mumbai.