Monday, November 17, 2008

Feedback Nov, 10-14 - Imperialism Cartoon

In this cartoon, there are 2 stuff that stands out on our mind. Africa and footstep. I think this cartoon wants to issue about the colonization of Africa, which were done by many European countries. Since this footstep is big, and lies on middle, I think the author of this comic wants to say that colonizing was evil decision, and author hates it. And maybe, this author IS African, and feels sorry to the ancestors, and wants to tell the Europeans did something bad. To make this cartoon more persuasive, I think this author should write some words that symbolize Europe on the footstep.


Michaela said...

Yusuke, I thought your blog entry was very thoughtful. Your article opened my mind to the idea that the artist could be an African. One other thing to consider about the cartoon is the artistic elements. I thought the contrast of black and white was very powerful. Overall, great post!