Monday, November 17, 2008

West Africa History and Culture

Timbuktu was a cultural center, and it was significant for the Songhai City, because this city had the power, so they succeed in weakening the invasion from the other country.
The slave trade affect West Africa, because so much of people, (about million) were enslaved by 1800. These people were kidnapped first, get separated from family, and sail to America. But during this voyage to America, many people died from the diseases.
Animism, is a belief that honors bodies of water, animals, trees, and other natural objects have spirits. Animists also honor ancestors memories.
In West Africa, many people belonged to one of the ethnic group. Ethnic Groups mix with each other along the cities and countries. But, because of the way the European Countries drew political boundaries, country borders sometime separated the sam ethnic group.
I think West Africa disliked European Colonizer the most. Since West Africa was the closest country to North Africa, many people were enslaved and shipped to America. People who were left in West Africa might have been sad and depressed. So I think they disliked the Colonizer the most.


Jeremiah said...

The way you described your ideas really made me understand how people think there. Before this, I did not know that animism was the belief in spirits and honoring your ancestors.