Friday, May 1, 2009

The Net Effect of "Globalization."

Globalization is an action to extend to other or all parts of the globe; make worldwide: efforts to globalize the auto industry, according to Basically, it’s all about a country taking action, doing businesses around the world. People say this is a good thing to do for several reasons. However, people say that there are negative effects as well.

People say that globalization is good for 3 reasons. First of all, a person who lives in developing country like china earns more jobs. As you may know, so many companies from developed country like U.S build their factories in China, to do the job with cheaper labor. Therefore, even poor people doesn’t suffer from poverty that much, because they can get some jobs very easily. Secondly, the wages go up for middle class people. People in middle class, who have skills than the lower class, would be able to do harder and expensive jobs. That is because the lower class will do the easier jobs, that middle class was used to do. And this will lead to higher wages for middle class. Also, like my father does, when he comes to foreign developing/poor country like India, he would gain higher wages. Finally, people would be able to get the product of the specific company in cheaper price, if that company is going abroad. For example, I can buy Oreos and Doritos in cheap price here. However, I can’t buy Cheese it! because it is like 7times expensive than Oreos, since Cheese it! is imported from U.S or other country's factory making this product. In conclusion, Globalization will give positive effects to people who are in middle class, and people who live in foreign country where they can get basically U.S' product in cheap price.

There are 3 negative effects as well. Those three are: destruction of culture, family corruption, unemployment. When jobs from developed country come in, it changes their life style, more than people don’t notice. Because of the job that they do, they couldn’t celebrate their holiday, and it ends up not celebrating. For example, in India, people who work in call center, works during night, because it is day time in U.S. When that happens, people who work in call center can not celebrate their holidays like diwali at night, where people dance and drink. The second reason relates to this as well. When the time you do the job changes, sometime causes some corruption in the family. Referring to the example, if the husband/father works during night, and wife/mother works during the day, they wouldn’t get to know all the stuffs they have to, because there would be less time for conversation. Also, they wouldn’t be able to help each other as much, because when one is resting, one is working. Thirdly, the rate of unemployment increases, when world started to get globalized. It is true that there would be more people who will get a job, but people who doesn’t have a lot of skill, would be cut off, and get unemployed.

By looking at the overall pros, and cons, of globalization, I concluded that globalization is good. That is because, I think globalizing the world; by trading with so many countries will make a lot of people happier, than the number of people who suffer from poverty. I understand that there are more people whose poor and doesn’t even have a right cloth to wear, but, that is there way to living. Also, it is impossible to rescue all of the impoverished children and people by not globalizing the world. Therefore, I think people should continue to globalize the world, and continue to develop the developing countries.


Scott said...

After reading your post on the net effect of globalization, I realized what a good job you've done in wiriting it. All the ideas are well written, and you managed to connect your reasoning with examples. For instance, when you explained the effect of globalization on the middle class, you identified with the effect, through your father's job. This put your point in a diffrent and more realistic perspective. One or two changes I would ahve liked to see is a more clear explanation of "family corruption." But you do pull through at the end with a concluding statement that ties the whole piece together. Considering your conclusion made me re-evaluate my Pro and Con list. Maybe I chose wrong?
Well, overall even with a few discrepencies, good job.