Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final Exam: What is Power?

What is Power? Power, could be defined in many ways, and there are three different types. These powers are: Physical power, social power, and energy. I think these powers are something that is necessary for our life, and some of it, must be used very carefully for our own safety.

First of all, there is something called physical power, in other word, force. Physical power is a power that pushes or pulls. Muscle is our main body part that produces this power. As an example, push up, is an exercise that needs physical power to work. Industrial Revolution was all about this kind of power as well. As technologies developed, a lot of labors were needed in factory. These labors used their physical powers to do their jobs, such as coal mining.

Secondly, there is social power. This is a power that only certain people have to take a control over another person or people. Usually, dictator, rulers, president, has these powers, and sometime, middle school students have this as well. Social power, changes our way of thinking or how we behave. For example, our parents changes how we behave in a five star hotel, and how we behave in our home. In the book Animal Farm, Napoleon, the leader of the animal farm had a social power over all of the animals who lived there. As a result he changed all the rules that they used to follow, and changed the way how animals behaved and think.

Lastly, energy is another type of power. In this case, I mean energy by power that humans produce by using technology. For example, nuclear power is an energy produced by technology called power plant. This power is used for human’s benefit to make the life easier. Also, a lot of this power was seen throughout the year. In World War II, so many weapons that harm people by using this power were used. Nuclear bomb is a good example of this. It killed so many people in Hiroshima, Japan, by the nuclear energy and radiation. Therefore, this power, which is also same as energy, could be very useful because it makes our life very easier. However, it is dangerous enough to kill all the species in the Earth including humans, so people have to be careful with the use of this.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Population Project

3 things that I learned from Population Projects are....
1.) Way to write an Analysis
2.) Way to get data
3.) Way to write a good Thesis Statement
I think, all of these things I learned in Population Project was valuable,and it would be useful techniques that helps in future from now.

Fist of all, writing an analysis would help me in so many parts from now on. I think, this technique is required in high school, collage, and when I get a job, something related to businesses.The analysis that I wrote, might be the important source for one company to prevent from corrupting, and it my help my final grade to improve, if I know the how to write an analysis from early age. Therefore, I thought knowing the way to write an analysis is good skill to know.

Secondly, I knew how to collect data by using specific source-India stat- By using these sources, I was able to find a good, reasonable data, that was trust worthy as well. Also by looking at articles published by famous news paper publisher, I was able to find data for specific years, such as "The number of CNG vehicles in Delhi reached to 10,000 in 2006. (Random Example.) I think this was a good skill to learn, in order to write an analysis.

Finally, and most importantly, I learned how to write "Good" thesis. Although I learned this when I was writing African Research Paper, I didn't really know how to write a good thesis statement. But, through this experiment I learned what good to write good Thesis. In a good Thesis, it has to have a blue print of what you are going to state, and it also has to state your position, whether its good or not.
This skill techniques is good to have, because in any time from now on, "writing" is required....Therefore I think it is very important.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Net Effect of "Globalization."

Globalization is an action to extend to other or all parts of the globe; make worldwide: efforts to globalize the auto industry, according to Basically, it’s all about a country taking action, doing businesses around the world. People say this is a good thing to do for several reasons. However, people say that there are negative effects as well.

People say that globalization is good for 3 reasons. First of all, a person who lives in developing country like china earns more jobs. As you may know, so many companies from developed country like U.S build their factories in China, to do the job with cheaper labor. Therefore, even poor people doesn’t suffer from poverty that much, because they can get some jobs very easily. Secondly, the wages go up for middle class people. People in middle class, who have skills than the lower class, would be able to do harder and expensive jobs. That is because the lower class will do the easier jobs, that middle class was used to do. And this will lead to higher wages for middle class. Also, like my father does, when he comes to foreign developing/poor country like India, he would gain higher wages. Finally, people would be able to get the product of the specific company in cheaper price, if that company is going abroad. For example, I can buy Oreos and Doritos in cheap price here. However, I can’t buy Cheese it! because it is like 7times expensive than Oreos, since Cheese it! is imported from U.S or other country's factory making this product. In conclusion, Globalization will give positive effects to people who are in middle class, and people who live in foreign country where they can get basically U.S' product in cheap price.

There are 3 negative effects as well. Those three are: destruction of culture, family corruption, unemployment. When jobs from developed country come in, it changes their life style, more than people don’t notice. Because of the job that they do, they couldn’t celebrate their holiday, and it ends up not celebrating. For example, in India, people who work in call center, works during night, because it is day time in U.S. When that happens, people who work in call center can not celebrate their holidays like diwali at night, where people dance and drink. The second reason relates to this as well. When the time you do the job changes, sometime causes some corruption in the family. Referring to the example, if the husband/father works during night, and wife/mother works during the day, they wouldn’t get to know all the stuffs they have to, because there would be less time for conversation. Also, they wouldn’t be able to help each other as much, because when one is resting, one is working. Thirdly, the rate of unemployment increases, when world started to get globalized. It is true that there would be more people who will get a job, but people who doesn’t have a lot of skill, would be cut off, and get unemployed.

By looking at the overall pros, and cons, of globalization, I concluded that globalization is good. That is because, I think globalizing the world; by trading with so many countries will make a lot of people happier, than the number of people who suffer from poverty. I understand that there are more people whose poor and doesn’t even have a right cloth to wear, but, that is there way to living. Also, it is impossible to rescue all of the impoverished children and people by not globalizing the world. Therefore, I think people should continue to globalize the world, and continue to develop the developing countries.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Technology Cartoon

The main visuals in this cartoon are 3people; Mother, Father and they're small son eating supper together. Also there is a text saying "Well Yes We Could See Your Blog...Or You Could Just TELL Us About Your School Day." This cartoon issues about the dehumanization of technology to small children, who doesn't use computers these days-which is a problem. It is a problem because use of technology takes the time of talking and socializing, like it shows in this cartoon. Since this small kid had written about his school day on a blog, he doesn't need/want to talk about it to his parents. Therefore, I could say that technology had influenced a small child in negative way, taking the time of talking together from him. This cartoon is ironic because these days this kind of small children doesn't use technology in this way. And this cartoon is being ironic by saying soon, technology will influence a small children like this, in a way it they do to adults. This cartoon relates to our study of technology, because we are learning how technology had influenced us in a positive/negative way. In order to make this cartoon to tell the author's opinion easier, author could add computer or laptop on the table at the back of this children. Or author could put a laptop on the dining table instead of meal, which signifies the influence of technology

Sunday, April 12, 2009

PoP Project Work Week

Monday: RP; 1.) Finish all the note cards
2.) Do the MLA citations for all the sites you used for research paper.

DA; 1.) Finish the summary.

Tuesday: RP; 1.)Finish the outline. Make sure to clarify what "alternative" is.

DA; 1.) Finish half of the future prediction/calculation
2.) Get the sites that you used to do the work cited page.

Wednesday: RP; 1.) Start to write your introduction paragraph.

DA; 1.) Finish the first draft.

EO; 1.) Final revision of the poster. Go ask ms.stephens for help/idea

Thursday: RP; 1.) Start writing your body paragraph 1, and 2

DA; 1.) Revise your graph and analysis. (spend time on RP/EO today)

EO; 1.) Attend to art club to start the poster.

Friday: RP; 1.) Finish the 3rd paragraph and conclusion.

DA; 1.) Add anything to your paper to make it better.

EO; 1.) Stay after school to write a poster. At least finish half of it.

Saturday: Do what ever you missed this week. You must have...
1st draft of RP
1st draft + revised DA
Half done EO poster. At the end of this week

Good Luck!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Technology is something that works with electricity, that makes your life/work easier. For example, computer is a type of technology, that makes your work easier when you type, compared to type writer. Another type of technology, is electronic used for entertainment, such as iPod. The 5 most technologies mostly used today are computer, transportation vehicles, (car, airplane, train.) electricity, refrigerator, and iPod.
All of them, (except for the last one) is necessary for our life. However, I chose iPod for the important technology, because without it, I think I couldn't live in India right now. Its a stress reducer! That's why I chose these 5, that are necessary for life. Conversely, I think there are technologies that aren't useful enough. Those are; TV, CD player, Radio, Vacuums, and Batteries. These five are the five that I never use, and the ones that I think it's useless.

In AES, we use a lot of technologies. Laptop for education, microwaves in cafeteria, hot shower, in PE change room, digital camera, for certain project, microscope for....etc. It sounds like we use too much, but I think it is a right amount to educate middle school student. Without these things, we wouldn't learn as well as we do now. So I think we should continue using this much, or more technologies, in order ot educate well.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Karl Vonnegut's Quote -Vonnegut and Technology

“Do you know what a Luddite is? That’s a person who doesn’t like newfangled contraptions. Contraptions like nuclear submarines armed with Poseidon missiles that have H-bombs in their warheads, and like computers that cheat you out of becoming. Bill Gates says, “Wait till you can see what your computer can become.” But it’s you who should be doing the becoming. What you can become is the miracle you were born to work—not the damn fool computer.”

This is a famous quote from Karl Vonnegut, a famous writer for the book Welcome to the Monkey House. He is a typical Luddite, and he writes about technology sarcastically on his book. For example, in his short story “Euphio Question,” he showed how technology leads to disaster, and cause many problem.

I actually agree with his word. Each person should grow and not depend on technology “too much.” However, I think some technology is needed to grow, and become. But not as much as Bill Gates says, “Wait till computer can become.” Nowadays, we couldn’t live without technology, because we are depending on it too much. If we don’t use excess amount of technology, I think it is OK, for becoming…

What you can become is the miracle you were born to work. That’s exactly correct.