Friday, August 22, 2008

Factory game2 -reflection-

In today’s activity, we did some mass production of paper toy. Making a 100s of paper toy, -which was Nikaya’s pig-, in the class. The rule of this game was to make as many pigs as you can in 45 minute. We had to make the pig as similar as the original pig, to get some points.
The hard place of this game was to teamwork in group. Because there were about 20 people in the class, it was hard to work as a group. Some people didn’t cooperate to class, and some people screamed out something and confused us to what to do. So it was very hard to work, using the time efficiently. That’s 1 difference I think of, when I compared to yesterday’s game. Because when I do the production by my self, I didn’t had a fight, or confused, or annoyed to something (someone). Similarities of these 2 activities were that we had to use our hand for these both activities. We had to glue, cut, and color, in these both activities.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Factory Game Reflection 1 ~paper craft!!~

Today, I created a toy, which was a doll, (maybe an alien) with a paper, which was cut in many different shapes. First, I made some eyes with a black crayon, and put 2 small circled pieces on each eye. Then I put the eyes on the top of the biggest circle, (top left and top right). This made the face funny looking. After that, I made the mouth with 3 ovals, -middle one’s the biggest- and put a nose between, the mouths and eyes. Secondly, I made the body with the second biggest circle. Then I put hands and legs around the body, using circles and ovals, and ribbon. Ribbon? What do you think I used ribbon for? I used the ribbon for the leg, to make it funny. It’s like captain hook, not having a leg, and putting something else as a leg.
I enjoyed very much doing this activity. And as I said in the entry before, I love activities. So I enjoyed it very much on this activity, especially making the toy funny looking.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Descriptive Writing -The Roller Coaster Holler-

“Weeen, Doom. Weeen, Doom.” It began ascending. This roller coaster moves up, with sound of “Weeen,” and falls down a little, in sound of “Doom.” It takes so much time to go up to the top, which scared me a lot.
“Weeen, Doom. Weeen, Doom.” I hear a creaking sound of engine. Oh no…What should I do??? I’m so scared that I wanna die. I felt my head is falling down, but the cushion is holding my head. Oh my… I drank my spit and put my feet close to together to reduce scariness. My spit tasted like water in a pool, and my feet was quivering very hard. It didn’t help me at all.
“Weeen, Doom. Weeen, Doom.” This coaster smelled like a gas. Is this coaster OK? I began worrying. Please don’t kill me… I was very afraid that I might gonna lose my consciousness. I looked down. People in the amusement park, slowly got smaller and smaller. I looked forward. We were in a very high place that we can see the cities like 100km away.
“Weeen, Doom. Weeeeeeeen… Doooooom…..” then engine made a terrible creak. And I noticed that first cart is already falling. Then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th…
I fall. In a very high speed. I can feel my head is falling toward, and noisy wind, playing with my hair. The wind tasted salty. But I was panicked, so I just grabbed the safety bar very tightly. How long is this taking? I wonder. It was just 5 second, but I felt like 1 hour had passed. It was the longest time I’ve ever felt. I grabbed the safety bar tighter. Please don’t kill me….
When I realized, I was getting out of the coaster.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mother Necessity

What is the phrase “Necessity is the mother of invention” means?
I have 3 ideas what this phrase means.

First of all, I think necessity is the mother of invention because, mother
is the person who gives birth to the inventors. Every inventors are born from their
mother, and if mother didn’t born a baby, the invention haven’t occurred.

Secondly, mother is the person who does the nourish. Mother works very
hard to make the child grew healthy, and well educate. For example, Edison, who invented
light bulbs and electricity, his mother nourished Edison with very deep love. She didn’t let him go to school, because there was bad influence, (Bad words, fightings) so she spent most of the time Edison teaching. She worked hard on Edison’s education and that made Edison a great person.

Finally, mother keeps the house. They cook, wash the cloths, make bed, clean the room…..
they do many things. And at the old time there was many hard time doing does, such as washing.Because there wasn’t washing machines, so they washed it with their hand. But now there is a washing machine so everyone can wash the cloths easily. But who invent the washing machine? Most of the inventors, invented things from watching mother having a hard time. So mother’s hard time caused the many inventions.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

How do I learn? -Feed Back Aug,11-15

I think I learn things by doing something, or making something (Kinesthetic). I think I’m Kinesthetic because, most of the time, I learn by having some experience. For example, last year in science I learned about Newton’s laws. But not just remembering, I got those in my head by doing some labs, and experiencing how that law works. So for me doing= learning

I think Mr. Coyle can help my learning in class, by doing some activities in class. (Because I’m Kinesthetic…) Like the activity that we did in the first week. Guessing the inference from the person’s 5 items that represents him (her). And I think it helps my learning a lot by doing those activities.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Feedback - Quarter 1 Goals

Two highlights from the first week of school.
Well, one is "Socratic Seminar"and another is the book Outsiders.
First of all, I was surprised to the idea of Socratic Seminar,
because I hadn't done a big discussion like that before.
At the first discussion, and also today's discussion (Aug,13)
I wasn't able to speak like everyone else does.
I was very quiet, shy and had no opinions.
So my first goals for 1st quarter is to "speak up in Socratic Seminar and
be able to join in the conversation."
Secondly, the book Outsiders. I had a very hard time
reading that book, because I hadn't read that kind of book when
I was in ESL last year. I was also surprised to the book, because there was
many idioms and slangs that I didn't know.
So the second goals for the 1st quarter is to improve my reading level.
I want to understand the book easily and mostly
I want to be able to read a book FASTER!!

My first impression to humanities.
My first impression was "nervous"
I was very nervous to study with everyone else
who speaks English fluently.
But now I'm OK.
Actually I'm very happy now.
Because I can learn many things from them.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My Gang... People who supports me.
I think that kind of people are my parents.
They helps me with many things.
They helps me to concentrate in studies.
They also takes me to place where I can play.
Such as tennis.
And it is very fun to do both learning and sports!!

Also my friend(s) in Japan, who is my "goal"
(In many way. He's smart...)
He supports me from Japan and
I support him from India...

So I think parents and my friend is the "gang" for me.