Monday, October 13, 2008

Imperialism Divides Africa

During the time when imperialism was happening, many countries took over another countries for motivations. Motivations represents 3G, and it stands for Gold, Glory, and Gods. One of the invasion that was happening were European countries' domination of Africa. In Africa, there was so much of natural resources and raw materials that every other countries wanted. For example, there was a plenty of gold, which every other European countries wanted. There were racism going on when European people took over African land, because Europeans thought they were smarter, wealthier, and cleaner than Africans. Also Christian missionaries in European Countries supported imperialism, and spent money for that. But mostly, European countries, especially Britain had a lot of technology that was developed during Industrial Revolution, which caused advantage to them.
These were the reasons why Europeans got the interest to Africa, and how they started to take over African lands. As a result of this, many people started to live in Africa. (Thats why French are used in Africa