Monday, October 13, 2008

WHO is the leader????

To be a good leader, I think he/she needs 2 things. One is leadership (of course) . Leadership is important because leader have to lead people. Leaders have to be responsible for all the people who follows you, because if they cause some problems, leaders have to solve them. Second is trust/kindness. If leader were kind to all the people who follows you, and trust them, they will automatically follows you, and also admire you. So if the leaders were trusted, they will trust you too!!
In middle school, I think there isn't such a student who are really a leader. There isn't a big group that does something, and everyone treats every other people equally and nice.
But in humanities class during socratic seminar, some people in class, takes leaderships to make the conversation continue. They gives us new questions, or feedbacks to make the conversation more fun, and continueous. Those people are Aysha, Nikaya, Michaela, Scott, and Garrett. They always start with their opinion, or thoughts in socratic seminar, which helps us very much...