Monday, January 26, 2009

Tyranny, Injustice, Self-Determination

Tyranny, Injustice, Self-Determination. These words are closely related to the story of the book Animal Farm. By the way, what are these words mean? Tyranny is a unfair, cruel use of power. Injustice is the quality or fact being unjust, and Self Determination is a way of government or life style, where people determine themselves, without outside influence.
First of all, tyranny is related to the overthrow of Farmer Jones, because he and his workers, was treating the animals cruelly, by not giving that much food. They only gave a minimum amount of food in order to survive, and they took all of the benefits by themselves.
Secondly, injustice. This is also related, because the injustice, unfair treatment directly related to the overthrow of Farmer Jones.
Lastly, Self-Determination is related to this, because every animal in the farm wanted freedom by self- determination, (except for Mollie) and that made them to overthrow Farmer Jones from the farm.
That is why I think tyranny, injustice, and Self-Determination is closely related to the overthrow of Farmer Jones.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Machine guns.
Killed hundreds of people every minute.
A “S” like structure, and muzzle like a eye.
When you see a small round eye seeking from trenches,
You’re dead.

Comes to our side very slowly like a turtle.
Their metallic body is a shell of a turtle.
When you know that you couldn’t destroy the shell of the tank,
You’re dead

Poison Gas.
The weapon that were used mostly during World War 1 .
Tear gas, Mustard gas, Chlorine…
When you smell of that invisible gas,
You’re dead

Artillery guns.
Fire, Explode, then Kills.
Targeted people resting inside the trenches .
When you see a round object falling towards you,
You’re dead.

An eagle eye that you have to watch for it.
Shoots cannons, and bombs to the crowd of people.
When you hear a bomb exploding,
You’re dead

This is World War 1

Can you survive?

Sources: Information
And some from above

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Is the military in yout future?

In my homecountry, Japan, they do not require military services. The military in Japan, is composed of people who wants to be in soilder, or a child of the solider. So its not required for a normal citizens. Although, the time during World War 2, all of the men were required to be a solider. (even a small kids like 12) From this, I guess when a war happens again, such as World War 3, I think I am required to be a soldier. If that happens, I think I will run away somewhere safe, because I dont like fightings, and mostly, I dont want to die. The time when I WILL join military, is only when I'm so angry that my surroundings were killed. (Such as family) Thats the only condition when I would go to military, because I don't really think I could save Japan from other big countries like America.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Alliances Cartoon

This is the famous cartoon from World War 1. The main visual elements in this cartoon are, Fat man with yellow pants, (UK) a bear, (Russia), a guy with a gun in the front, (Italy) guy with a red jacket, (Austral Hungary) black jacket in center, (Germany), guy smoking a hookah.(Turkey) This cartoon issues about how the European countries were making relationships with others. I think the author of this cartoon wanted to say that many countries were very strict of making relation with others, (being friend with others) because war were going to start. As you can see, the yellow paper that every one is holding or passing around, is money, and they are making relationships with money, in order not to lose in war. To make this cartoon better, I think this author should write the letters more bigger, because I didn't know what these people represents until my teacher said it. (And I still don't get the girl crying on the bottom left.) Lastly, this cartoon is related to the Great Powers Game that we did last week, because we went into relationships with other countries by giving armies, colonies, etc.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Great Powers Game Debrief

My country in the great powers game was Japan. In the start of the game, USA, Great Britain, Germany had advantages, because the started with power of "4", while we started from "2." Building the empire felt like being the leader of the country, and it was little wierd. In the long run, it was more important to buy armys, because in any time there were a posibilities of being attacked. In this game I think I did well not making enemies. From the beggining of this game, I knew that I shouldn't trust anybody, and being friends with others is nonsence. If you be friends with one country, then you will just make enemies. And your allies wouldnt help you every time. So we didnt be friends with others so much. Just the biggest country,UK. But I think I should've bought Industries more, because we didn't grow that much. In this simulation, I think I learned 3 things. You cannot trust people. It is more important not to make enemies, instead of making allies. People will choose money rather than relationships. (The last one depends on the person though....)

Monday, January 5, 2009

End of Quarter 2 Feedback

Second quarter has finally ended. In the begging of 2nd quarter, I've made 3 goals that I want to achieve. Those goals were....

  • Speak up
  • READ (fluently)
  • Memorize more vocabularies.
For speaking, I think I improved a "little." This quarter's grade for oration wasn't really bad, and I think I had more chance to speak. (Presentation...etc) I had to speak with my groups when making Africa Powerpoint, and time when preparing for trial. In both of those assignments, I had to talk with my partner(s) in order to get a good grade, so I tried hard. And overall speaking grades changed from C to B.
For reading I think I grew much from the begging of this year. In the begging, I had very hard time reading The Outsiders. (Took about 30 minutes reading 1 chapter) But now, I could read harder nobles, such as Eragon.
For vocabs, I didnt tried really hard, so I will continue remembering.

My new goals for quarter 3 is...
  • Try speaking up during the CLASS
  • Remember 100 vocabs in 3rd quarter
  • Read 3 books for AR.
Hope I will accomplish...
